Upcoming Reunions

If you are planning a reunion let us know!  Use the “Contact Us” link below and your event will be shown here.

September 2024 - Class of 1974 50th Reunion

The Class of 1974 will gather in Los Angeles on 13-14 September 2024 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their graduation and commissioning.

Contact Tom Offutt ’74 (tcoffutt@gmail.com) for more information. . 

Previous Reunions

November 2023 - Class of 1983 Homecoming Reunion

The class of 1983 held their 40th reunion during Homecoming Weekend. Unfortunately, only 7 of their 30+ classmates were able to attend, but a good time was had by all. The 7 attendees were Jim Griffin, Cindy Pludow, Sugimoto, Dave Virga, Terry Kelly, John Quigley, Rich LaRue, and Mark Woodall.

They had their pregame tailgate on campus, courtesy of former NROTC classmate, George Will, who provided a festive atmosphere with BBQ set up and music.

One thing that made this reunion extra special was the presence of Rich LaRue’s daughters, Angela and Amy. Their mother, Nancy Tefft ’83 was also one of us. She and Rich met in the Trojan Battalion and both commissioned into the Marine Corps. Unfortunately, Nancy passed away when the girls were young. Angela and Amy wanted to meet some of Nancy’s college friends and hear stories about their mom. Angela is a Registered Nurse and Amy followed her mother ‘s footstep and attended USC, played in the Trojan Marching Band and was commissioned in the Marine Corps. They both enjoyed hearing a few stories about their mom in college.

Dave Virga and Amy LaRue. former bandies, also performed with the Alum Band at the homecoming game

October 2023 - Class of 1979 Mini Reunion

A “mini” 1979 reunion (44 years) was held in San Diego, a day after the heartbreaking loss to Utah in football. Bob Bennett flew out from North Carolina and Craig Kennedy came from Nebraska to attend the game and then headed to San Diego to spend time and commiserate with fellow classmates in San Diego. Bob Frankel ’79 and his wife, Mary, hosted a BBQ at their house. Other attendees were Dave Waran ’79 and his wife, Karen, Kevin McNees ’79 and Angel Mariano ’79.

31 MAR/1 Apr 2023 - USC NROTC 80th Anniversary Celebration

USC Professors of Naval Science - Past and Present: Col C.J. Horn, Col Gil Jauraez, Col Sean McBride and Frank Zerunyan, Director and University Liaison to USC ROTC

In 2019, plans were developed to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the USC NROTC unit in the spring of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic shot down those plans, and things were put on hold until restrictions eased. It was not until this year (2023) that things were normal enough to finally celebrate our 80th, even if it was 3 years late!

Saturday morning we had a fantastic presentation by one of our NROTC alums – LtCol Carlos Noriega, USMC (Ret). Carlos talked about his time as a Marine Corps helicopter pilot and then how he became a NASA astronaut. With some great photo slides, he gave us a firsthand look into his two Space Shuttle flights to the International Space Station. What a fantastic career that he had!

On Saturday evening, we gathered in the Ballroom of the USC Hotel for a combination Midshipman Spring Ball and 80th (Plus) Anniversary banquet. After the cocktail reception, over 200 of us filled the banquet room – alumni from many decades, and midshipmen from the Trojan battalion, decked out in their “choker whites!” The colors were marched on, and the members of the NROTC Class of 2023 were introduced and honored. The Chief of Naval Operations – ADM Mike Gilday – sent a congratulatory letter honoring the history and service of USC NROTC graduates over the 80 plus years. After an outstanding dinner, we were fortunate to hear from our guest speaker – RADM Ron MacLaren, Supply Corps, USN (Ret), USC NROTC Class of 1979.

The evening wrapped up and the 80 years of the USC NROTC unit were finally celebrated!

September 2022 - Classes of 1981/1982 Reunion

The Classes of 1981 and 1982 held a joint reunion on September 16 and 17, 2022. It started on Friday afternoon, September 16th with a tour of the Coliseum, a visit to the wardroom, then on to dinner at Rock and Reilly’s at the USC Village. On Saturday, the group met up for a tailgate hosted by the Trojan battalion, in front of the PE Building. The alums enjoyed getting a chance to meet and chat with some of our future leaders. After the tailgate, it was off to the Coliseum for the USC- Fresno State game, where USC won 45- 17!
After the reunion, a shareble album was created so attendees could post pictures from the event. Kudos to the Reunion Committee for planning and executing a wonderful event! Bravo Zulu – Jim Hull, Dave Thompson, Don Biedermann, and Frances Annarella