Trojan Battalion History

(under construction)




The Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (NROTC) was established by an act of Congress in 1925 to offer interested college students the necessary Naval Science courses required to qualify them for commissions in the Naval Reserve. In 1926, the Navy  started the NROTC program by establishing six units at American universities.  In June of 1930, 126 midshipmen graduated from college and received commissions in the United States Navy. The Marine Corps entered the
NROTC Program in 1932, offering qualified NROTC graduates commissions in the United States Marine Corps.

NROTC was established on the USC Campus in September 1940 under the command of CAPT Reed M. Fawell, USN (Ret.). During the following years, the unit operated on a reserve status until July 1943. USC also hosted V-5 and later V-12 pre-flight programs on campus under the same command staff.  By early 1943, over 400 men were on campus for pre-flight training, in addition to a robust NROTC cadre of 200+ midshipmen.

In 1946, while directing the navy’s demobilization following WWII, RADM James L. Holloway also chaired an influential board that laid the foundation for the postwar NROTC.  The Holloway Board was charged with “the development of the proper form, system, and method of education of officers in the postwar United States Navy.”  Described as one of the most attractive educational opportunities ever offered, the Holloway Plan broke the Naval Academy’s monopoly as a source for naval officers by offering students at fifty-two colleges and universities the same opportunities for a commission in the regular Navy and free education at government expense that was provided to Naval Academy midshipmen, without requiring a hard-to-obtain Congressional appointment, in return for a three-year service commitment.  NROTC was intended to provide about half of the Navy’s new officers every year, with the other half coming from the Naval Academy. Legislation authorizing the Holloway Plan for NROTC was passed by Congress and was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on August 13, 1946.  About the same time, the V-12 Pre-Flight program was discontinued and student were offered the opportunity to transfer into the new NROTC program.

USC NROTC Highlights 1940 - Present

NROTC Drum and Bugle Corps, 1946
  • SEP 40: USC NROTC founded by CAPT Reed Fawell, Commanding Officer.
  • DEC 40: The Trojan Seahorse published its first edition
  • SEP 41: 80 freshman recruited into NROTC unit from USC student body for a total of 160 midshipmen
  • DEC 41: USA enters WWII after Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
  • NOV 42: Seahorse receives cover designed by Walt Disney Studios
  • MAY 43: First class of 9 commissioned officers graduated
  • JUL 43: NROTC placed on active duty, begins wearing uniforms 7 days/wk.
  • AUG 45: WWII ends with unconditional surrender of Japan
  • MAY 46: Last class to graduate under accelerated wartime program
  • AUG 47: USC President Rufus B. Von Klienschmidt joins NROTC summer cruise on USS Iowa (BB-61).  Made honorary Admiral.

JUN 50: Korean War begins when North Korea invades South Korea

JUN 51: Trojan Seahorse published for first time since 1946.

Jul 53: Korean Armistice agreement signed

SEP 56: Dedicated residence hall (“Navy Hall”) opened for Midshipmen.  Battalion is 180 strong.

1958: Rifle/pistol team goes 15-0, wins All Navy Hearst Trophy

SEP 59: NROTC leases house at 825 W, 30th St (The Anchorage) for NROTC fraternity.

1959: Rifle/pistol team again wins All Navy Hearst Trophy with 13-1 record

USC Wardoom, 1958
1969 Debutante Ball at LA Athletic Club

1960: NROTC wins Men’s Division of Songfest on first attempt

SEP 1962: Thursday is established as “Navy Day”

OCT 62: Cuban Missile Crisis begins, lasts 13 days.  USN blockades Cuba.

1964: The Founder’s Group (wartime alumni) holds 20th anniversary reunion at Long Beach Naval Station.

AUG 64: Gulf of Tonkin incidents with USS Turner Joy (DD-951) and USS Maddox (DD-731) leads to US military involvement in Vietnam (1964-1973).

MAY 66: Annual Ring Dance held at Ft. McArthur O Club.  Six seniors announce their engagements and present a ring to their fiancé.

MAY 68: 14 midshipmen complete the Flight Indoctrination program and earn their private pilot’s license at government expense.

SEP 70: Women’s auxiliary (The Anchors) started. 100 midshipmen in Battalion.

APR 73: Last US civilians and embassy Marines evacuated from Saigon

1974: Drill Team beats UCLA for fifth straight year, retains Marion Davies trophy

JUL 75: Service Dress Khaki uniform discontinued as was the wearing of brown shoes by aviators.

JUL 76:  USA Bicentennial celebration

JUN 77: ENS Ann Smith is the first female graduate of USC NROTC

Thursday afternoon kegger in the Atrium, 1976
Sail Company, 1984

JAN 81: DOD, under President Reagan, initiates plans to increase size of Navy from 460 to 600 ships, as well as additional military buildup expenditures.

SEP 84: Sail Company established to train all MIDN to earn B-skipper qual

1984:  Drill Team beats UCLA for 15th consecutive year!  140 MIDN in Battalion.

1984: Founders Group (Alumni League) holds 40 year reunion at Hyatt Regency Long Beach

1988: Unit receives its own sailboat, NSY-27, named Sea Traveler.

NOV 89: Fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizes the end of the Cold War

AUG 90: Beginning of Gulf War (Allied coalition vs. Iraq). Lasts to April, 1991.

1 JUL 92:  NROTC LA Consortium established.  USC and UCLA battalions report to a common leadership team. 

MAR 94: NATO launches air campaign in Serbia and Kosovo, supported by USN.

1994: Alumni League celebrates 50th Anniversary of USC NROTC WWII graduates at Balboa Bay Club.

NROTC Color Guard, 1991
Battalion Motivational Run, 2007

2000: Alumni League celebrates 60th Anniversary of USC NROTC at Irvine Marriott

SEP 01: Terrorists attack NYC and Pentagon using 4 highjacked airliners.

MAR 03: Iraq War begins.  Combat operations continue through Aug 2010

JAN 09: NWU Type I (“Blueberries) began to be phased into service.

MAR 17:  Jeff Arnet ’45, Bob Benner ’45, Charles Repp ’45, Richard Vivian ’45 honored by USC at annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner.

AUG 17: USC Village opens. Largest project in university history.  Jim Hardy ’45 receives the Marv Goux “Trojan for Life” Award. Jim was MVP of 1945 Rose Bowl.

JUL 18: Glider Flight Training program begins with support from Alumni League

AUG 19: Freshman class attends NSI “boot camp” at Great Lakes RTC for first time.

OCT 19: NWU Type III uniforms (woodland camouflage BDU’s) replace the “Blueberry” as the navy working uniform.

NOV 19: First COVID-19 cases appear in China

Victorious 2012 Blood Bowl football team
Class of 2026 Swearing In ceremony, 2022

MAR 20: US government declares COVID-19 national emergency. USC campus shuts down, all classes go virtual, students vacate university housing

AUG 21: USC in-person classes resume, masks required

AUG 21: USA completes withdrawal from Afghanistan

MAR 22: Indoor mask requirement on campus lifted

APR 23: 80th Anniversary of USC NROTC celebrated after multiple postponements due to Covid-19.  Anniversary Banquet and Midshipman Spring Ball held at the USC Hotel.

MAY 23: Federal government ends COVID-19 emergency