Alumni League Programs

Scholarship Awards
A total of $20,000 is provided each year through the generous contributions of our Alumni League members to the USC NROTC Midshipmen Success Fund.
Five $2,000 financial grants are given each Fall and Spring semester. Interested midshipmen apply via a written essay and the Alumni League Scholarship Operating Committee has the challenging task of selecting the awardees from the pool of deserving candidates.
The awarding of these grants is based on the following criteria:
- Recommendation of the Professor of Naval Science.
- Candidates are academically accepted by the University.
- Candidates have been sworn into the United States Navy.
- Candidates maintain acceptable academic standing throughout the semester.
- Candidate maintains membership in the USC NROTC program.
- Preference given based on financial need.
League Scholarship funds are credited to the midshipman’s university account to assist with school expenses including USC tuition, books, fees, room/board allowance and other items the Scholarship Operating Committee may approve from time to time.
The Alumni League hosts a luncheon each semester following the announcement of the scholarship awards. The League hosts the scholarship recipients, donors to the fund, and other appropriate involved parties. All League members are welcome to attend the luncheon on campus at their own expense.
The current Scholarship recipients are listed here.
Annual Awards
Officer Swords
The Alumni League BOD has expanded our annual office sword award program to recognize seniors for their superior performance based on criteria set by the Unit and Battalion staffs. These are the currently approved awards:
- Marine Officer Sword
- Parker Sword
- Student Naval Aviator Sword
- Submarine Officer Sword
- Surface Warfare Officer Sword
- Trojan Sword
The officer’s swords are paid for by Alumni League member donations.
Scholarship Awards
The Captain William L. McGonagle Scholarship Award is presented to a deserving Midshipman nominated by the Professor of Naval Science. The award is funded by the USC NROTC Midshipment Success Fund, and as such it continues to grow in value each year with the entire USC endowment pool.

Professional Development
Glider Flight Program
The USC NROTC Alumni League Glider Flight Program gives our future Trojan Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers a great start in the world of aviation! Our Glider Program is funded solely by NROTC alumni donations. Sponsor a midshipman for level one training, level two training–or both! Any amount helps!
Level One: Introductory 2-day flight course–$770: 6 flights in two different types of training gliders (includes ground/flight instruction, simulator sessions and associated textbook/publications).
Level Two: Advanced–$2,900: We match the midshipman up to $2,500 in training costs leading to solo flight and the FAA private pilot glider rating. Payment is made only after the midshipman solos. Training costs leading to solo are approximately $5,200 for a new pilot trainee.
Both amounts include the 15% service charge we are assessed when we use funds donated via the Naval ROTC Alumni Fund. Any amount helps!
The League’s glider program is partly based on the U.S. Air Force Academy’s cadet glider training program. Midshipmen who earn their FAA Private Pilot Glider rating achieve an experience level greater than 85% of USAFA cadets, second only to Cadet glider instructors.
GFP is entering its 7th year on firm financial footing thanks to big 2023 donations from Ed Tannenbaum ’62 and former F-18 pilot Mike Frische ’86. Eddie has been a major source of funding for this rewarding program for our future Navy and Marine pilots and NFOs.
For more information on donating, contact James Hull ’82, (310) 902-3860,
Participants for the 2023 – 2024 academic year were MIDN 1/C Mary-Grace Foster, MIDN 2/C Tom Salva, and MIDN 2/C Ben Neill.
UPDATE (6/24): Newly commissioned USMC 2nd Lt. Michael Cava, awaiting orders to TBS later this summer, is working toward his first solo flight north of Los Angeles at the Southern California Soaring Academy. MIDN 1/C Ben Neill and MIDN 1/C Mary Grace Foster will be completing day two of introductory training at Skylark North Flight School in Tehachapi, CA. MIDN Neill is planning to start solo training later this summer.

Sailing Program
Midshipmen have a great opportunity for a maritime education while working toward their degree at USC. Through the University’s excellent nautical science curriculum, the opportunity to join USC’s sailing team, and recreational sailing opportunities in the SoCal area, midshipmen can learn basic and advanced maritime skills, gain on-water experience and receive a great introduction to yachting and sailboat racing. Check out USC’s Nautical Science program offered through Sol Price School of Public Policy to view the formal maritime education available to USC students. Many of our alumni completed one or more of the courses during their time at USC. The League supports midshipmen participating in USC’s nautical science curriculum and/or USC’s sailing team by funding related expenses not covered by scholarship.
The Alumni League has teamed up with Navy Yacht Club Long Beach (NYCLB) to offer USC midshipmen recreational sailing opportunities in the waters off the coast of Southern California. NYCLB is located at Alamitos Bay, just south of the Belmont Shore area of Long Beach. The history of NYCLB dates back to the 1960’s when they were based at the now closed Naval Station Long Beach. The Alumni League sailing program is designed to promote interest in USC’s nautical science curriculum, recreational sailing and sailboat racing. The League provides scheduling coordination between midshipmen and NYCLB along with funds to offset incidental costs incurred by the skippers and participating midshipmen.
Membership in Navy Yacht Club Long Beach is open to active duty, reserve and veterans of all services. Midshipmen and active duty are offered membership at
no cost. NYCLB is a great way to be introduced to SoCal’s yachting and racing community. Local League members are encouraged to consider joining. Non-resident membership is also available. NYCLB holds frequent social events and maintains reciprocal privileges at several other yacht clubs. See NYCLB’s website for more information on membership and events.

USC Nautical Science Program

Financial Support for Battalion Activites
The Alumni League stands ready to support any and all Trojan Battalion activities that enhance the midshipman’s professional development, expand their knowledge base or contributes to the community.
Examples of Battalion activities funded by the League (fully or partially):
- Battalion small arms training initiative including ammunition and instruction at local shooting ranges.
- Drill Team travel to away meets such as Tulane (Marti Gras), the Colorado Meet, and the Anaheim Drill Competition.
- Additional Professional Development opportunities as requested by the PNS or BNCO.